
Upcoming events

Often we are present at events where you can discuss with us the future of peatlands and changing agriculture in a circular economy.


Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism

10. - 12. April, 2018
Hanze University, Groningen, The Netherlands


Get in contact

Previous events

Where you might have seen us


Typha field day and workshop

12. - 13. February, 2018
University of Greifswald, Greifswald/Kamp, Germany


Global Landscape Forum: Restoring NW European peatlands through sustainable building material

19. - 20. December, 2017
Global Landscape Forum, Bonn, Germany

Soil subsidence and raising sealevels urge lowlands by the see to stop CO2 emissions from drained peatlands in order to become climateresistant .This has to result in an hard cut change in Landscapes to a new „rewetted“ agriculture. With growing cattail in constructed wetlands there will be a bright future for Farmers, Nature and the Climate!


RRR-2017: Renewable resources from wet and rewetted peatlands

27 - 28 September, 2017
University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany


More events

  • Workshop “Setting the course for EU policies on peatland climate mitigation”, Brussels, 6 December, 2017.
  • Bioökonomie-Konferenz, Anklam, 2 Novmeber, 2017. Video (in German) from 6:14.
  • ProGETonE Symposium: Opportunities of energy neutral and seismic retrofitting, Groningen, 20 October, 2017.
  • Final Symposium 'Omhoog met het veen', Amsterdam, 17 October, 2017.
  • International excursion to our "Pilothouse" as part of RRR-2017, Kamp, 26 September, 2017
  • Perspektivce Naturschutz II & Landnutzung: Alternative Nutzungskonzepte in "Constructed Wetlands", Criewen 21-22 September, 2017.
  • Öko-innovationen mit Biomasse, Papenburg, 28-29 Juni 2017.
  • Field congress: 'Natte teelten in het veengebied', Zegveld, 30 September, 2016.